Earwax, also known as cerumen, is a natural substance produced by the ear to protect and lubricate the ear canal. However, an excessive buildup of earwax can lead to discomfort, hearing loss, and other complications. In London, where environmental factors and lifestyle can contribute to earwax accumulation, it's essential to know expert tips for safe and effective earwax removal . Importance of Earwax Removal Earwax plays a vital role in maintaining ear health by trapping dirt, dust, and other foreign particles, preventing them from reaching the eardrum. However, when earwax accumulates excessively, it can cause blockages and impair hearing. Therefore, regular earwax removal is essential to prevent complications and maintain optimal ear health. Avoiding Common Mistakes Many people resort to using cotton swabs or other probing tools to remove earwax, but this can push the wax deeper into the ear canal, leading to blockages and potential damage to the eardrum. Instead, it's cru...